
Here you will find information about services village in or to the village. They include: places to stay, public services, medical services and other web sites.

Places to stay

Here is a list of places to stay near Bishop Burton. The list is provided without any endorsement or warranty. Do let me know if there are any others that could usefully be added to the list.

Bed and breakfast

Minster Garth Guest House – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

East Gate Guest House – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

Newbegin B&B – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

Potts of Flemingate – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. No dedicated website but can be found via Trip Advisor

Number 1, 1 Woodlands Beverley – 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. This B&B no longer has its own website but can be found using, or


King’s Head Hotel, Beverley – 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

Beverley Arms – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. It reopened in 2019 after a major refurbishment.

Lairgate – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

Tudor Rose Beverley – 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

Premier Inn, Beverley – 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus

Tickton Grange – Tickton 6 miles by car from Bishop Burton

Other accommodation

Student residences at the Bishop Burton College

Holiday cottages (six) at Broadgates Farm – about 2 miles from the centre of Bishop Burton village


Medical Services

There are no GP practices or pharmacies located in the village. The nearest are to be found in Beverley. This link to the NHS Choices website will take you to a list of GP practices in Beverley and beyond. From the same website you can also get a list of hospital, pharmacies, dentists and other medical services. The nearest hospital is the East Riding Community Hospital on Swinemoor Lane in Beverley. It contains a minor injuries unit.

Public services

Here are the websites for public services that are relevant to Bishop Burton residents. The websites will open in a new tab in your browser.

Bishop Burton College

The website for the leading college of agriculture and related studies that is located in the village of Bishop Burton.

Cherry Burton School

The website of the primary school that is in Cherry Burton, the village to the north of Bishop Burton

Walkington School

This is the website of the Walkington Primary School.

Planning applications

This provides a link to the search form that allows you to check on Planning applications submitted to East Yorkshire. You need to choose Bishop Burton in the “parish council” selection criteria to find applications associated with the village. Once the applications has been found you can inspect it and the associated documents e.g. drawings etc. Closing the window will return you to the BB website.

Bus Transport

EYMS buses run through the village every day between Hull and York. The X46/7 timetable may be viewed here.

Other Websites

Trophy Pet Foods

We hope you can find everything you need. Trophy Pet Food is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.

Hill Top Caravan Storage

Our secure caravan storage site is located at Constitution Hill Farm, Molescroft, on the outskirts of Beverley. Contact us for storage rates – email

InHaus Group

An architectural and interior design service based in Beverley

Altisidora Pub

The village pub for Bishop Burton.


Having moved from Canada to Bishop Burton I have decided to start up my Canadian business here offering special occasion make-up, children’s face painting and eyelash extensions. ChickArtistry was born while living in Alberta, Canada.
As the business was a huge success in Canada, I am hoping I can help make the lives of the ladies of Bishop Burton and the surrounding area, a little easier every day by saving time in the makeup application or possibly even a little glam!
Professional and high-quality eyelash extensions can help eliminate the need for make-up, they open your eyes, and make anyone look more youthful, alert and healthy.
Make-Up Services can be for any special occasion you may have and want to feel special. Weddings, Engagements, Family portrait days, or even if you need a lesson in make-up.
Telephone : 07783 021972 –
Samantha Frith

Violet and Willow

The Facebook site of an artisan florist based in Bishop Burton