Village Hall

The Village Hall can be hired for groups, courses, dinners, functions, etc.

Hire charges are per hour of use and are detailed in the village hall hire charges document attached. The conditions of use are also attached.

If you wish to book the hall then either complete the booking form which can be found below and email it to or, Ring Jan Biden at (01964) 552364. You will need your contact details; dates and times required, contact email address – if possible – and any special requirements.

On receipt of your form or your phone call, Jan will confirm whether or not the hall is available and the price of booking the hall.

Jan will then email (or post) you the completed booking form for you to review and sign to confirm the details are correct; you agree to the terms and conditions and the price. The signed form must be received back by Jan prior to the booking date.

You need to pick up the keys from Jan Biden at 11 Bryan Mere (01964 552364).

You will be invoiced in the month following the booking. The invoice will be sent either by post or email.

The invoice is payable on receipt.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact Jan.

Village Hall Booking Form

Village Hall Conditions of Use

Village Hall Measurements