Here is a list of places to stay near Bishop Burton. The list is provided without any endorsement or warranty. Do let me know if there are any others that could usefully be added to the list.
Bed and Breakfast
Burton Mount – Cherry Burton 2 miles from Bishop Burton by car. Web site does not work at the moment.
Ferguson Fawsitt Arms, Walkington 2 miles from Bishop Burton by car. Accommodation no longer available but pub and restaurant are fully operational.
Minster Garth Guest House – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus
East Gate Guest House – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. Web site does not work at the moment but you may be able to get to it via booking agencies.
Newbegin B&B – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. Web site does not work at the moment but you may be able to get to it via booking agencies.
Potts of Flemingate – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus.
1 Woodlands Beverley – 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. This B&B no longer has its own website but can be found using or
King’s Head Hotel – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus
Beverley Arms – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus. It reopened in 2019 after a major refurbishment.
Lairgate – Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus
Tudor Rose Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus
Premier Inn, Beverley 3 miles from Bishop Burton by car or bus
Tickton Grange – Tickton 6 miles by car from Bishop Burton
Other Accommodation
Student residences at the Bishop Burton College
Holiday cottages (six) at Broadgate Farm about 2 miles from the centre of Bishop Burton village