A group of people formed the Friends of All Saints’ Church, Bishop Burton (FASBB) in late 2015. Their objective was to help maintain and promote the church as a community resource concentrating on the fabric of the church. The Friends will be active in raising funds for the development of the church – this includes organising events and securing donations and sponsorship. To date the friends have raised funds towards seat cushions to make the pews more comfortable and towards the provision of toilet facilities and an improved kitchen.
The Friends have elected a Committee to direct its activities. It is chaired by Jo Beckett and its members are Bryn Jones, Nigel Penton, Jan Biden/Margaret Hebb, Sue Thomas, Revd. Tim Kelly, Sandy Jones, Jo Becket, Hilary Swann and Su Millington.
If you wish to be a member of the Friends or find out more about us, please email your details to foasbb@gmail.com or speak to any member of the committee. The approved constitution may be viewed here
All Saints Church is part of the Four Towers benefice comprising the churches of Bishop Burton, Walkington, Skidby and Rowley. More information is available at the Four Towers benefice web site